Sports Field Services
- Conceptual drawings including the field, parking, and vehicular / pedestrian access.
- Construction documents containing layout and grading plans, irrigation and drainage plans, fence and detail plans and specifications.
- Budget estimates with realistic pricing eliminates the cost of re-design and re-bid.
- Train your crew to maintain or renovate the facility.
- On-site inspection and problem solving.
- Evaluation of plans and specifications prepared by others.
Construction Supervision
- Daily / hourly supervision of construction crews even if they have no experience in sports facility construction.
- Daily preparation of work schedules and material delivery.
- Save when you pay contractors and materials direct with no markup by anyone else.
- Find local contractors that have the right equipment and labor for your particular job.
- Locate construction materials that are cost-effective and the best choice for your budget.
Facility can be used after construction and grow-in is complete on condition that construction documents are approved and construction supervision is provided.

Sports Fields Books
by Jim Puhalla
Jeff Krans and Mike Goatley
Sports Fields
Design, Construction, and Maintenance, 3rd Edition
2020 – John Wiley and Sons, Inc.
Endorsed by the Sports Turf Managers Association (STMA)
The updated 3rd edition of Sports Fields includes illustrative examples of specific design elements of a range of fields including baseball, softball, football, soccer, lacrosse, field hockey, tennis, and track and field. Turfgrass nurture and maintenance procedures are updated throughout Part 1. The revised third edition contains new chapters on safety, public relations, and professionalism for future sports field managers, as well as new illustrations and photos of innovative field layout, grading, irrigation, and drainage. This edition contains the most recent information on sand-based field systems, and all-new case studies that review best practices and techniques for sports fields ranging from youth and high school fields to fields that are designed for professional athletes.
Order "Sports Fields" NowSports Fields
Design, Construction, and Maintenance 2nd Edition
2010 – John Wiley and Sons, Inc.
Endorsed by the STMA
Recognizing that new developments in the design, construction, and maintenance of sports fields have literally changed the playing field, Sports Fields Second Edition is now fully updated and revised to continue its legacy as a leading authority on sports field management. Highly illustrated, with step-by-step examination of essential topics such as turfgrass and soil science, sand fields, turf paints, field quality evaluation, and weather preparedness, this in-depth guide chalks out the ultimate game plan to integrate these elements into a winning project.
Order "Sports Fields" NowBaseball and Softball Fields
Design, Construction, Renovation, and Maintenance
2003 – John Wiley and Sons, Inc.
From the writing team that created the industry's most comprehensive guide to sports fields, this new volume provides practical information specific to baseball and softball diamonds. Contributors to this book include Major League groundskeepers, who share their experience in managing state-of-the-art facilities.
Order "Baseball and Softball Fields" NowSports Fields
A Manual for Design, Construction, and Maintenance
1999 – Ann Arbor Press – John Wiley and Sons, Inc.
Recommended by the STMA Certification Committee
The original Sports Field book. The first edition includes sports field designs not included in the second edition like sand volleyball courts, bocce courts, playgrounds, and lawn bowling greens.
Order "Sports Fields" Now